A FREE 16-Month Journey of Spiritual Awakening.



Workbook lessons, Meditation and Community.

Looking for a small intimate group of people to work alongside you and support your journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery?  Using A Course in Miracles as our guide, we commit ourselves to 365 lessons to challenge how we see each other and our world.  


The Course is intended as a self-study guide. If you're like most people who start down this path, it's not an easy process to do in a self-study format.  In this program, we combine supportive accountability and group connection which we've found provides the best of both worlds - independent study and a community to grapple with the content together. 


If you found your way here, we invite you to join us on this journey. 
It's not too late!  It's never too late. 


How it Begins...

This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.

This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God

  • If you know this is your path and you're ready to get started, click the "I'm IN" button to register.

  • Have some questions about the program? No problem! You can keep scrolling or use the button here to jump straight to our FAQs



We’re sure you have a number of questions. We’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked here and in the section below. If there’s something we haven’t covered, please reach out!

  • We meet every day on ZOOM. Monday thru Saturday, we meet 7am - 7:30am Eastern. We read the lesson together and the rest of the 30 min is spent in meditation. Other than the lesson and the guiding into and out of meditation, no words are shared or spoken. These morning lesson readings and meditation will be recorded. If you are unable to attend live, you will always have the ability to listen at a time that works best for your schedule.

    On Sundays, we meet at 4pm Eastern via ZOOM for a community call. We open the floor for conversation and sharing. The purpose of the community call is to hold space - to honor and hear how we're processing the content of the course without judgment and without "solution-ing" or fixing. Community calls are never recorded.

  • Nothing, ever.

    Only your time to attend and participate.

  • Anyone and everyone is welcome


If you have more questions, we invite you to keep reading through the other frequently asked questions. If you have all the information you need and you’re ready to join us, click the button, we’re excited to welcome you.

Other FAQs

  • No.

    I will host the call every day. You are invited to attend as often as you can/want.

    Nothing is “required” in this program; it’s all voluntary.

  • All the daily meetings will be recorded and posted for you to view/use whenever it’s desired/needed.

  • No. You are not required to watch the videos, or do the readings independently. You may choose to do that, but no requirement exists to do it.

  • I know, I’m feeling the pain!!! LOL.

    First, you are NOT required to be showered, in full makeup or sporting business clothes! You are welcome to show up as you are… in PJs, in sweats, with your hair sticking up, with your hair fully coiffed, with or without makeup, with or without sleep drool on your chin, with or without coffee, with or without kids, dogs, birds, etc.

    God (Spirit) loves every aspect of you and we will too.

    OK….But didn’t you say you were recording this? I don’t want to look Goofy!

    You won’t! I am recording, but the only person that’s viewable on the recording is me.

  • I will end the call after 30 minutes and that automatically terminates the sessions for everyone. If you fall asleep during the call, no problem, your session will be automatically terminated.

    By the way, been there, done that! LOL!!

  • Everyone on the call is muted. We won’t hear you

  • No. I have found that sometimes, having the book is helpful, while other times I just want to have the words wash over me and experience the message. You will find your own rhythm with the course content.

    The book is published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. On their website ( you can listen to the lessons, read the lesson on screen or print out a hard copy of the day’s lesson.

    IF you would like to purchase a copy of the book, they can usually be found in most second hand/used book stores or purchased on-line through Amazon or other resellers.

  • No. I will be reading from my book which is the Combined Volume, Second Edition. Honestly, I think any version will do if you want to follow along with a hard copy. There are times when the wording might vary but the intent of the message will be the same.

  • While having a hard copy is not necessary, sometimes it's helpful if you want to re-read the sections or if you want to underline/highlight/tag sections. You can always use the digital copy available on to print out or re-read passages.

  • The daily lessons do often instruct us to perform an action or activity during the day. The length of time for the action and the frequency of the action will vary throughout the course.

  • The more faithfully you execute the assignments or actions outlined in the lessons, the more you will interact with the content in a meaningful way.

    No one is checking that you perform the assignments.

  • No one is checking to ensure that you have executed the assignments or actions as outlined in the course lessons.

    If you need to modify any part of the work, please do what makes you most comfortable.

  • On Sundays, we meet at 4pm Eastern via ZOOM for a community call. We open the floor for conversation and sharing. The purpose of the community call is to hold space - to honor and hear how we're processing the content of the course without judgment and without "solution-ing" or fixing. Community calls are never recorded.

  • No. This community call is not part of the course. It is an aspect of the work I’ve done for the past 15 months with my current group that I find very effective and helpful. You are invited to try it out. If it doesn’t work for you, no problem. If it does, awesome.

  • YES! You are ALWAYS welcome to the community call

  • The community call is about discussing how we are working through or processing the course. Sometimes, the conversation can become vulnerable so to encourage authentic conversation, these sessions are not recorded.

  • YES. Anyone is always welcome to attend the community call

  • No problem. Frankly, that’s going to happen and for a multitude of reasons.

    Sometimes, the course doesn’t land. Sometimes, life happens and we need to step out. Sometimes, we’re not in a place were we want to work the course. Sometimes, we don’t “gel” with the group, the teacher or some aspect of the container.

    This is ALL cool. Everything about this experience and program is completely voluntary.

  • I will check in on you and to make sure you’re ok.

    I will never pressure you to participate or attend. And you are allowed to tell me, Go Away Sandra, I don’t want to talk about it, answer you or participate.

    Cool! We are TOTALLY cool.

  • No problem. You have a few options. You can sign up and when you receive your welcome email, you can let me know you prefer to be on the “wait list” for our next session.

    You can sign up so you receive the materials and access the recordings. Then join us when you can.

  • AWESOME! Share, invite, welcome, anyone that you think might be interested in participating with us.

Enroll Now

Say yes to a journey of self-discovery and Spiritual growth