Reclaim your Divine Spark and Live your Life.

“The new model of feminine leadership is not about hierarchies of power but about circles of collaboration. For us to become true leaders, we must embrace our sisters as our allies and give one another permission to shine.”

Tanya Lynn - Sistership Circle

If you are ready to shed old skin, create new possibilities

...and discover the transformative and powerfully healing energy of living in your purpose, then we invite you to join us. We believe all women are leaders. Working to heal our pain is empowering. It is the truest from of self-love. It releases us from our hurt and gives us permission to be seen on our terms. This powerful work will help you increase your resilience to all the changes you’ll encounter in life. But most importantly, you will model courageous self-love to every woman – young and old – who looks to you for guidance, direction and encouragement.

What’s Happening?

We always have new content launching or current conversations happening in our online community. Curious to know what’s new or upcoming? .

Core Programs.


Sistership Circles

An immersive 8-week journey into a safe space where we meet fellow women to be seen and heard.

Coaching Programs

Our signature coaching programs incorporate coaching, written assignments, journaling, meditation and community.


You can fully relax knowing your only responsibility is to participate and be held in a caring circle of women.

Welcome sister, I’m Sandra Wint.

Growing up in different cultures impacted me. By the time I was 6, I had lived in two distinct cultures on two continents. My family moved from Uruguay to Canada in 1969 and when the excitement of change wore off, we found ourselves isolated; alone in a new country without friends or extended family and a language barrier…


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At Me-Her-Us, we’re passionately dedicated to the mission that all women are entitled to a meaningful and fulfilling life.