Sistership Circles

This is an 8-week journey into a safe space where we meet fellow women to be seen and heard; to share our wisdom, experience and strength without judgement.

Our Sister circle experience is a chance to learn all about + experience sister circle first hand.

Talking circles have been used since ancient times to share food, stories, worship, pass down traditions and build community. In this program, we use the ritual of talking circles to embrace our Divine Feminine; to open our hearts to ourselves and our sisters. Here, we find support, in addition to the validation and compassion needed to honor and hold ourselves accountable to being self compassionate.

Have you lost connection with your inner Goddess?

Do you remember all her desires and longings? Have you stuffed down her needs and callings so you can “get through the day”?

This program will help you reconnect with the woman you are - with your inner Goddess.

If you are ready to shed old skin, create new possibilities, and discover the transformative and powerfully healing energy of circle, then we invite you to join us as we dive deep with one another for 8 weeks.

Space is limited to 16 women. Save your seat in our next program.